Humor – Rescue Mission
At the “Human Studies” section of anthropology department ion the planet of Trafalmagor, students are debating which rescue mission for humans victims of repression due to their cultural tendencies they should devote their final year project to.
Student A: “Should we do something about Salman Rushdie and other writers against whom a fatwa has been launched?”
Student B:”We can’t do that, the rules are very clear, we are not to interfere with anything linked with religion.”
Student C:”Or with politics actually, these are human peculiarities we are to study and fail to understand, but never tinker with…”
Student A: “So let’s Google some more and find some more ideas.”
Student B: “Let’s try the following keywords: shackle, block, locked in, gagged”
Student C: “Here, I have got one that seems to be affecting all political tendencies and creed equally… And it has 12M entries on Google, it must be huge!”
So they submitted their project to the University board and immediately got granted unlimited funding and time to mount a rescue mission.
And that it is how it came to be that they spent the rest of their academic lives trying to find a proper way to address the scourge of Writer’s Block that plagued the human race.
Copyright of Patricia de Hemricourt – ©PatriciadeHemricourt 2011 All rights reserved