Humor – Negotiation

Toto is sitting at a job interview for an anti-terrorist unit, answering a job offer as a negotiator. Interviewer: What is your experience in negotiation?  Toto: Oh, I have years […]

Humor – Medieval Help Desk for Books

Medieval HelpDesk for Books   Print books might be defined as antiquated items by some, deemed for  museums any time soon. However they were once the most radically new item […]

Humor – Rescue Mission

Rescue Mission At the “Human Studies” section of anthropology department ion the planet of Trafalmagor, students are debating which rescue mission for humans victims of repression due to their cultural […]

Computer turned writer!

Well, as if there was not enough competition out there to compete against in the quest for readership, computers now are vying for a place to generate humor, of all […]