The Finishing Touches to a Manuscript Can Be a Frigging NIGHTMARE! #neverperfect #selfpub
Are your aspirations lofty?!
If so…don’t write for publication or you’ll just torture yourself to death!
I hear a statement like the following every single day: “I just found 24 more ‘little’ errors in my already polished manuscript.”
Is this SEROUS?
How is this possible?
I’m tempted to use a really harsh word … _____ YEAH! Right now I’m working on a story that has been published twice by two different INDIE publishers…and I’m finding multiple errors in punctuation, etc. And even worse of all in my opinion, there were words and phrases in the manuscript that messed with my voice that were added during the editing process. There was one particular word I’ve never used in my life…I knew the meaning because of the content, but I don’t know if I’ve ever read it elsewhere. The first Indie publisher “suggested” it and I allowed it. The word was outré. And if this is word you’re comfortable using…more power to you. It’s not ME.
I’ve added material, but the errors are there from the last time it was published. If you haven’t experienced writing with a publisher…it works a little like this: (And since I’ve had seven different publishers, I speak with a dash of knowledge on the subject. )
After you get THE CALL, you meet your editor and you have either a rough idea or a precise time the book will be released. Your editor edits your manuscript and then tells you what needs to be fixed. This process can be a one time event or a long process depending upon how much work your manuscript needs per your editor’s knowledgeable point of view.
It can be done via the computer or the mail depending on the publisher. I’ve about experienced both. Eventually the work will go to GALLEY. At that time you will have one final chance to find any errors that have not been corrected by someone along the line.
Yes, you find errors…lots and lots of them if you persevere. If you are naive, and think it’s highly unlikely…well…good luck!
For the first time ever, I returned a book last week to get my money back. I’d gotten the first one as a freebie and then right away purchased the sequel. Loved, loved, loved it! After finishing the second book, I immediately purchased the third!
Only a few pages into the third book I started to squirm. The editing wasn’t a fraction as good as the first two books. And it wasn’t just line editing (which was bad)…the problems went deeper and could have been fixed easily enough with a good editor. (This was a self-pubbed book.)
I had empathy for the author, but there are limits a reader will endure. And for the first time ever, I reached mine in time to return the book. For Amazon, a book needs to be returned within seven days (I believe) to get a refund. In the past I’ve purchased other books that deserved to be returned far more than this one, but I was too late.
I do NOT want to put out a book that someone will return because of editing errors. I’m being tortured right now. I’m slogging through what I hope will be my first self-pubbed book over and over again. It’s painful. I’m sick to death of reading the same words again and again.
Any incite into this painful process will be deeply and sincerely appreciated!