Uncial Press
Uncial Press
Evaluated 18th of September 2011
A. Genres:
Fantasy, Fiction, Historical, Fiction, Humor, Mystery, Paranormal Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Self Help, Suspense, Western, Young Adult, Text Book
B. Service offered
1. Editing: Yes
2. Book cover: Yes
3. Formatting: Yes
4. ISBN: Yes
5. Marketing: Yes
6. Affiliates:
7. Distribution: Yes
C. Terms and Conditions
1. Advances: No
2. Royalties: 42% of retail price on site, 50% of net price after discount for distributors
3. Copyrights granted:
4. Length of Contract: From signature date till 730 days after first release, mutual 90 days termination clause.
D. Credibility
1. Age: 2006
2. Catalog: Too many to count
3. Alexa Rating: 6.5 M
E. Social Media
1. Forum: No
2. Blog: No
3. Book Club: No
4. Twitter: 69 followers, low level of activity
5. FaceBook: 137 followers, low level activity
Overall Rating: Fair/Good
B: 4 Stars
C: 4 Stars
D: 4 Stars
E: 0 Stars