Where are the most voracious readers and what do they read?
Where are the most voracious readers and what do they read?
Marketing a book is time-consuming and the more accurately we can pinpoint our target market, the more efficient time invested in marketing will be. So, knowing where your reader live is a welcome bonus for self-marketing authors – all of us really in these days where even the Big 6 expect their readers to provide the lion share of marketing.
Yet, statistics are hard to come by so, when the All Russian Public Opinion Research Center has the brilliant idea of checking in which countries people read most and what genre they read, we have to share it with our readers.
Here is a copy of their infographic
http://rbth.ru/multimedia/infographics/2013/06/28/readers_around_the_world_27511.html The top shows the number of hours readers in various countries read per week, based on the World Culture Score Index. The bottom shows the results of a 2011 survey by Superjob.ru of 1,600 readers of the types of books they like to read.
Yes, Americans read more than Brits, contrary to the European positive prejudice that Brits read the most in the world, they come in 26th place compared to US 23rd place.
Continuing with political incorrect national bias, lets wonder and smile while imagining a French reader outraged reaction at seeing his country in 10th place only, after Indians, Taiwanese, Chinese or even close by Swedes.
As writers from English-speaking areas, however, we have to work harder at rekindling our fellow countrymen appetite for the written word and rise from the lower part of the scale to the podium. That will benefit all writers so time to think of contests, games and other gimmicks to bring English speakers back to getting lost in books.
If we all work together, we will succeed. Stay tuned for a special project coming out this fall to further that goal and sign up for our newsletter to be informed.