Women in Publishing – Would YOU Like To Be Part Of It?
Women in Publishing – Would YOU Like To Be Part Of It?
By Patricia de Hemricourt
In the previous millenniums, publishing was dominated by men. This century heralds the massive arrival of women in publishing, which actually makes perfect sense as there is a general agreement that women are better communicator than men and what is publishing if it is not communicating?
A cursory look at the statistics of this blog’s demographic readership indicates that it is definitely slanted towards women. More specifically, women over 35 who earn over $50k/year.
So we thought you would be interested in reading about the success of a fellow woman working in the publishing industry, whose article is copied below.
This is also the occasion for us to begin unveiling some of the project we are working on.
After 2 years of constant reading about the current state of the publishing industry, we came to the conclusion that it is time to create a system that will replace the publishing model of the former centuries while restoring the ability of the writer to concentrate on writing instead of having to choose between investing a considerable chunk of writing time in marketing their book.
At this stage, we are busy raising funds to set up a platform that will offer such a system while by-passing the traditional publishing system.
More about this later when the project moves along.
Email us to be included in the early stages of development and receive benefits reserved to early adopters. Feel free to include as many suggestions as you can think of, anything you would like to see in the ideal publishing platform, without thinking of the limitations of the current existing systems. We aim to create something new that will include features that match both writers, readers and service providers such as formatters, editors, book cover artists, illustrators, researchers, ap developers and other.
Now is the time to create a wish list for the publishing experience you always dreamed of.
Now that you have registered for the next big thing in publishing, let’s read about other people success…
I’ve raised $6.5 million to build and grow my new company: Bustle.com (via Pando Daily)
By Bryan Goldberg On August 13, 2013During the last decade, many popular new media properties have launched, most aiming to attract men, like Politico, Bleacher Report, TechCrunch, Business Insider, Mashable, Grantland, TheVerge, Break, College Humor…