A writer’s job is to write, and it will be again! #writers #amwriting #publishing
A writer’s job is to write, and it will be again!
A writer’s job is to write , or so it used to be.
Back in the pre-digital book revolution, a writer’s job was to write, including writing submissions to agents and publishers. When accepted for publication, the publisher’s job was to translate the writer’s work into money by a combination of skillful editing, masterly crafted book covers and heavy-duty marketing.
The recent advent of self-publishing has turn the writer into a jack of all trades, who has to write, work extra-time at his day job to finance his book’s editing, learn Photoshop or Gimp to create eye-catching book cover. Formatting is not even mentioned as an issue, or can be obtained for peanuts.
Yet, after all that, our exhausted writer has not even scratched the surface of his cursed chosen passion. He now has to invest the lion’s part of his free time in marketing his book. Failure to do so will almost certainly condemn him to rot unseen and unread at the bottom of Amazon’s ever-growing colossal slush pile.
So this is for all the writers, and they are legions, who are determined to invest their time in writing and not in marketing – a skill they do not necessarily master anyway.
Ourboox is a publishing platform dedicated to allow writers to publish their book and let Google work for them and bring their books to interested readers.
How does that work, you will say…
Well, in fact, it is quite easy. Google and other search engines love content, and increasingly love non-optimized content. Books are exactly that, non-optimized content. Content meant for readers to enjoy, not for robots to crawl.
So, let’s imagine you have a book faring at 1 000 000 or lower on Amazon. That means you will sell a book every blue moon, Google & Co will be able to see only your book title and your brief blurb, but not your book’s content and probably ignore you entirely and no-one will ever know you even exist, let alone wrote a book.
When dreams of fame and fortune have all but died, the dream of being read can still live.
By uploading your book with Ourboox, you make it available for free to all, including Google and other search engines.
Let’s say you wrote a book where holy socks play a major role, for example. That means a random Internet surfer looking for “holy socks” will be more likely to find your book and actually read it.
Great, but I can hear you mutter in your corner : “Well, if that is the case, why not simply make my book entirely available on my blog I worked so hard on setting up?”
Because, my dear writer, you have written a limited number of books, and, if Google and search engines love one thing more than content, it is lots of content… 🙂
So, if you upload your book on Ourboox, you benefit from the mass of content already uploaded by other writers and, on top of it, you help them as well, especially those who wrote about green socks 🙂
Furthermore, Ourboox provides you with a supportive community, and a simple platform to create page-flipping books.
Actually, uploading your book with Ourboox might well be the first step leading to the fame and fortune Amazon did not bring. Publishers have become a bunch of cowards betting only on authors who already proved they can make it on their own – that is, essentially, writers who master marketing skills.
Yet, if your book picks up on Ourboox, it will show clearly that your book has quality and appeal, regardless of your marketing skills. This might indeed get the attention of publishers and land you a publishing deal.
So, get back to writing, upload your book and wait for Google and other search engines to do the “submission process” for you. The odds might still be long, but with Ourboox we all help each other shorten them.
So, register now and upload your book! And if you need help or advice, please let us know .