Writing As A Day Job – How To Proceed
Writing As A Day Job – How To Proceed
By Patricia de Hemricourt
As writers, what could be better than switching from our regular day job to a writing day job. This would be a dream comme true. Testimony to the popularity of that dream is the amount of spam offers filling our junk email box. According to these enticing offers, we could all become rich from writing.
These offers range from a trap to lure to write content for content farm and earn a few cents as best to those selling you a get rich quick program with guarantees that their magic recipe will sell thousands of copies of your book and turn you into the next J.K. Rowling in a few weeks flat.
Apparently, these scams work as scammers do not waste time on ventures that do not make money. Yet for all those of us who dream of writing as a day job, I thought that Ryan Neal’s experience below could be an inspiration. He actually made it and is not selling anything, just sharing his experience and some of us could learn from him.
If only one of us achieve his dream of writing as a day job as a result of getting an idea to enter the market from Ryan’s experience, this will be a resounding success.
In the meantime, you might have noticed that I suddenly began including a by-line below the titles of my posts. Though this might seem a bit over the top, since it is, after all, a single author blog so far, there is a logic behind it.
As writing as a day job is also my dream, and as Google is making efforts to ensure content writers get the recognition they deserve by identifying them as authors, I registered for Google Authorship, and a byline is required to activate it.
It is a long shot and, though 2 weeks after registering my author’s profile begins to pop up haphazardly in Google Search, it might help, who knows. But for those more pro-active, here is Ryan Neal’s account
International Copywriting — The Who, What, Why and How (via http://paulschaecker.blogspot.nl)
By Ryan Neal in Miscellaneous So there I was, living in West Australia and doing a journalism internship at a local newspaper. My lunch breaks were spent in 40-degree heat on the sandy white beach that my office sat upon, while my evenings consisted…