Writing Is An Art
Writing Is An Art
By Patricia de Hemricourt
Writing is an art, yet the word art does not necessarily evokes books, unless one speaks about art books. This being said, the process of writing literature implies creating a complex bridge between the emotional side, the rational mind and linguistic abilities, while respecting grammatical rules.
As opposed to pictorial and sculptural art, where emotions are expressed directly through images and forms, the writer’s only tool is words, and these have to be weaved in an intelligible narrative.
This means that the writers has the double burden of translating feelings in words, and to do it in such a way that the reader will understand the”translation” correctly, lest the narrative will be garbled.
Keeping that in mind, is there any lesson the writer can draw from philosophic dissertation about art and emotions as the one below?
ART AND EMOTION: Must the two be unified? (via The Mindful Word)
How emotionally involved should artists be in their work? And what level of emotional involvement is ideal? Denis Diderot, a well-known French philosopher who wrote extensively on aesthetics, attempted to answer these questions. Recently, I had the…